sâmbătă, 25 iunie 2011

Sheffield. Snooker 2009

Shown below are the results for each round. The numbers in brackets beside some of the players are their seeding ranks (each championship has 16 seeds and 16 qualifiers). The draw for the televised stages of the World Snooker Championship was made on Wednesday, March 11 at 9.45 am.

First RoundSecond RoundQuarter-FinalsSemi-Finals
Best of 19 framesBest of 25 framesBest of 25 framesBest of 33 frames
18 April
 England Ronnie O'Sullivan (1) 10
23, 24 & 25 April
 England Stuart Bingham 5
 England Ronnie O'Sullivan (1) 11
19 & 20 April
 Northern Ireland Mark Allen (16) 13
 Northern Ireland Mark Allen (16) 10
28 & 29 April
 England Martin Gould 6
 Northern Ireland Mark Allen (16) 13
21 April
 Wales Ryan Day (8) 11
 England Peter Ebdon (9) 5
24 & 25 April
 England Nigel Bond 10
 England Nigel Bond 5
22 April
 Wales Ryan Day (8) 13
 Wales Ryan Day (8) 10
30 April, 1 & 2 May
 England Stephen Lee 4
 Northern Ireland Mark Allen (16) 13
22 & 23 April
 Scotland John Higgins (5) 17
 Scotland John Higgins (5) 10
25, 26 & 27 April
 England Michael Holt 5
 Scotland John Higgins (5) 13
20 & 21 April
 England Jamie Cope 12
 England Joe Perry (12) 6
28 & 29 April
 England Jamie Cope 10
 Scotland John Higgins (5) 13
18 & 19 April
 England Mark Selby (4) 12
 Scotland Graeme Dott (13) 10
26 & 27 April
 England Barry Hawkins 8
 Scotland Graeme Dott (13) 10
19 & 20 April
 England Mark Selby (4) 13
 England Mark Selby (4) 10
 England Ricky Walden 6
21 & 22 April
 England Shaun Murphy (3) 10
24 & 25 April
 England Andrew Higginson 8
 England Shaun Murphy (3) 13
20 April
 Hong Kong Marco Fu (14) 3
 Hong Kong Marco Fu (14) 10
28 & 29 April
 Northern Ireland Joe Swail 4
 England Shaun Murphy (3) 13
20 & 21 April
 Scotland Stephen Hendry (6) 11
 People's Republic of China Ding Junhui (11) 10
23 & 24 April
 People's Republic of China Liang Wenbo 8
 People's Republic of China Ding Junhui (11) 10
18 & 19 April
 Scotland Stephen Hendry (6) 13
 Scotland Stephen Hendry (6) 10
30 April, 1 & 2 May
 Wales Mark Williams 7
 England Shaun Murphy (3) 17
18 & 19 April
 Australia Neil Robertson (10) 14
 England Ali Carter (7) 10
25, 26 & 27 April
 Northern Ireland Gerard Greene 5
 England Ali Carter (7) 8
21 & 22 April
 Australia Neil Robertson (10) 13
 Australia Neil Robertson (10) 10
28 & 29 April
 England Steve Davis 2
 Australia Neil Robertson (10) 13
18 & 19 April
 Scotland Stephen Maguire (2) 8
 England Mark King (15) 10
26 & 27 April
 England Rory McLeod 6
 England Mark King (15) 6
22 & 23 April
 Scotland Stephen Maguire (2) 13
 Scotland Stephen Maguire (2) 10

 Scotland Jamie Burnett 5
      Murphy nu a reusit sa tina pasul cu Higgins decat in prima sesiune, incheiata cu scorul de 4-4. Higgins a dominat clar urmatoarele parti ale jocului, desprinderea decisiva facandu-se in sesiunea secunda, atunci cand scotianul a invins cu scorul de 7-1.Higgins este pentru a treia oara campion mondial
Ziua de luni, ultima a Campionatului Mondial, programa ultimele doua sesiuni. Desprins deja in invingator, Higgins a jucat relaxat, nepermitandu-i lui Murphy sa se apropie la o diferenta mai mare de 8 frameuri.

Niciun jucator de snooker nu reusise sa revina in finala de la scorul de 11-5, iar Murphy a aratat un snooker slab, lucru neobisnuit pentru aceasta editie, la care "Magicianul" a demonstrat o forma excelenta.

Scotianul Higgins a profitat si inainte de ultima sesiune conducea cu scorul de 16-8. In cel de-al 1000-lea frame disputat la Crucible, Higgins putea sa dea lovitura si sa comemoreze aceasta aniversare cu castigarea trofeului, dar o ratare la o bila rosie l-a privat pe scotian de castigarea acestui frame. Murphy nu a mai fost atat de norocos in final, atunci cand Higgins nu a mai ratat si in ropote de aplauze a sarbatorit castigarea titlului.

La 11 ani de la prima incoronare a sa drept campion mondial, Higgins a reusit sa obtina cel de-al treilea titlu de campion, izbutind aceasta isprava si in anul 2007.

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